Moonshot Thinking

We have created so many amazing things because people believed they could! They NEVER gave up! We have gone to the moon, made cars, and created medicines to save lives.

This is a powerful video of some of the things that have been possible because people believed they could.

In our Global read Aloud book The Fourteenth Goldfish were are learning that the impossible can be possible when you work hard, believe that you can and don’t give up!! In the comment spot for this post tell me about something you had to work hard at and kept trying until you were able to succeed. I can hardly wait to read them! 🙂

Does your family have special foods?

In our Global Read Aloud book The Fourteenth Goldfish Melvin, Allie’s grandpa, misses his beloved wife and has nostalgic feelings for the past. He says new stuff is not as good as he remembers the old stuff. He says that cooking is science, so he cooks Coq au Vin, a chicken dish from France, from his wife’s recipe. This comforts him and brings back fond memories. Does your family have special foods that do the same thing? What are they? When are they eaten? What are your special memories about food?

Why Blogging is Important!!

We have been blogging this year. The students really get excited to share their work with others. Your work becomes more important when you have a reason to do it and a larger audience to share it with. You are more careful with the presentation of your work. You want to do your best because other students will see it. You can work together with kids from other parts of the world on a problem or project. In the comment space for this post please type your reason why you like to blog!!


Wonderopolis is an AMAZING site that gives kids a chance to get excited about wonders they have. They get a chance to look up something they are excited to learn about and discover the answers for themselves.
It is like genius hour but easier to do at the elementary school level.

Grade 3’s get ready to get excited about digging into the answers to cool questions such as: Who is the wisest bird? What determines the color of your eyes? Why aren’t seat belts required on school buses? How do night vision goggles work?

When you are done share your favorite Wonderopolis with me in the comment bubble for this post. I am VERY excited to learn along with you. 🙂 Click on the link below to get started on your Wonderopolis adventure.


Galileo was an Italian mathematician, scientist and philosopher. On Brainpop you’ll see what Galileo discovered about the moon, the Milky Way and Jupiter. When you are done on Brainpop go on the comments for this post and tell me something about Galileo. Have fun!! Click on the link below to take you to Brainpop on Galileo.

Would you like to live forever?

In our GRA book The Fourteen Goldfish Ellie’s grandfather has made a formula to turn him back to a teenager.
In nature the Jellyfish has the ability to make itself young again. Here is an article from about Shin Kubota’s research in Shirahana Japan about the Scarlet Jellyfish. Click on the link below.

This got us thinking about being immortal (which means to be able to live forever). Would you want to be able to live forever or not? What if you did but no one else around you did? What would you do with your life if you could live forever? In the comments for this post write about if you would want to be immortal and why?

Below is a video on exotic jellyfish.

Global Read Aloud………quote from Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is probably the most famous scientist of all time. Do you know what he did? Google Albert Einstein for kids and find out then let me know in the comments for this post.

Albert Einstein said,”A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

What do you think about his quote? How would the world be different if we only did things we knew how to do? How would the world be different if people never had or do try new things?

In the comment bubble beside this post add your thoughts. Think of how different the world would be.

Grade 3’s Kindness Project 2014/15

We have a Random Acts of Kindness work crew job in our classroom. Every week someone is on Random Acts Of Kindness and they are responsible for doing something nice for each person in our class for that week. Some students have made bookmarks, drawn pictures, gave stickers, told jokes, made cookies, etc. Our teacher gave us each a small rock with the words You Rock on each one to keep in our desk to remind us that we are great!! Our challenge for the year is to write about as many Random Acts of Kindness as we can and post them in the comments for this post. You need to explain in detail what you did. For example when our teacher, Mrs. Onyskiw, goes to Tim Horton’s with her daughter, Katrina, and son ,Brant, they always ask the server what their favorite donut is. They buy it with their order and give it to the server with a rainbow loom braclet that Katrina has made and a card that say,” Thanks for making our day special!” It is fun to do kind things for others. Let’s see how many Random Acts of Kindness we can create this year. Let the challenge begin!!

Grandparents Are Special!

In our Global Read Aloud book THE FOURTEENTH GOLDFISH Allie’s grandpa comes to live with them. They have some amazing adventures together. Think of something you have done with your grandma or grandpa and share it on this post. Make sure you write in complete sentences.