Remembrance Day

We are so lucky to live in such an amazing country. On November 11th at eleven o’clock take time to remember those who helped to make freedom possible for us.

Below is a video called Remembrance Day Explained. It explains how Remembrance Day started and why it is so IMPORTANT!

25 thoughts on “Remembrance Day

  1. Fleur’s great grandma in Australia had an uncle who went to fight in the war in 1916, and was killed in battle in Belgium in 1917, at the age of 20.
    This year marks 100 years since the war of 1914-1918 began. To commemorate this the names of all who lost their lives in that war will be projected over the next year, at various times, onto the exterior of the Hall of Remembrance at the War Memorial in Canberra, Australia.
    These men gave their lives that we in our countries might have the freedom we enjoy today.
    At the going down of the sun,and in the morning, we will remember them.

    • Thank you for sharing with us. It is great to see how other people celebrate and remember those who fought for our freedom.

  2. I liked the videos. They taught me lots about the war and how the soldiers fought and died for our freedom. We have a ceremony at our school to remember the soldiers.

  3. It made me feel touched and made me really remember that the soldiers risked their lives so we can be free and live a good life. We can never forget and Lest we forget.

  4. I like this video because it is telling us to that these soldiers that risk and lost there lives so we could have a good life.

  5. I connected with that video so much I loved your website I just love everything you do for rememberance day its just great to now you guys care about the soldiers who went to war and gave there lives.
    It’s great for the soilders to well in a spiritual way
    I’ll check your site again later

  6. That video made me feel very sad and depressed because I had family members in the war and they were all shot and killed but some were hurt really bad and later died in the hospital.

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