Plant Adaptations

Adaptations are special features that allow a plant or animal to live in a particular place or habitat. These adaptations might make it very difficult for the plant to survive in a different place. This explains why certain plants are found in one area, but not in another.

Grade 3 Class Making the Impossible ….Possible

We are creating, teaching and learning from each other in our Grade 3 class. We are becoming risk takers where it is OK to make mistakes because we know that you learn from them!

“CreativitY now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.”SIR KEN ROBINSON

Love this quote in the book Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros. “School should not be a place where answers go to die but questions come to live.”

The video below represents our class and how the impossible is made possible everyday in our class.


We are learning about forces ( magnetism, buoyancy, wind, water, muscular, friction,static electricity, gravity) and their effects on our daily lives. think about something you do everyday and how different it would be if we didn’t have these forces. For example brushing your teeth!!
After you watch the video on Chris Hadfield performing an everyday activity in space chose an activity and comment on how it would be different without forces in the bubble beside this post! I am excited to read them! 🙂

Amazing times with author Sigmund Brouwer

We were so excited to have Sigmund Brouwer come to our school to celebrate reading and writing! He read stories to us, did a book club, illustrated pictures from his Justine McKeen series, opened our Grade 3 classroom library and did a story writing workshop. We created cool videos using our green screen which Sigmund made into amazing you tube video. Hope you enjoy it as much as me have!

Just copy the following link into the top bar and enjoy.

Christmas Around the World Project

We have joined the Christmas Around the World Project. What a great way to make connections, share and celebrate the holidays. Students in my class have created, on their individual blog posts, their own post on Christmas in Canada. They are located on the left side of our blog.They would love to have you read and comment on them.

We have created a padlet page below where WE WOULD LOVE IF YOU WOULD add to our Christmas Around the World and tell us how you celebrate the holidays. We are very excited to learn about the different celebrations and traditions.Just click on the link below. Thanks and we wish you a very merry Christmas.