The Tube That Changed The World

One of the greatest scientific inventions to change the world is the Microscope. Watch the video of this amazing invention.

Below is a video of the top microscopic images of 2013. The world under a Microscope. It looks like something from outerspace.

If you could work on creating a new invention what would it be? Tell me about your new scientific invention in the comment bubble beside this post. Remember to also tell me why you think this invention would be important to the world. I can hardly wait to hear about them. 🙂

The Fourteenth Goldfish Challenge

We have just finished reading The Fourteenth Goldfish. The last page of the book is……
Click on the link below to read it!
last page of the fourteenth goldfish

Imagine the author Jennifer Holms asks you to help her write the next book in The Fourteenth Goldfish series. After reading the last page what are your ideas for the next book. I am excited to hear about them. Use the comment bubble beside this post to tell me your ideas! 🙂

Author Jennifer Holms

We have finished the wonderful Global Read Aloud book called The Fourteenth Goldfish. The author wanted to join in on our fun and so she has read the last chapter of her book for us to listen to.

We have loved the book and all the great connections we have made with other countries, students, and teachers through Skype, Edmondo and Google Hangout. Thanks for making our reading adventure amazing!

Click on the link below to listen to the last chapter read by the author Jennifer Holms.